Optimates Optimates

Saturday, April 14, 2007

It has come....to this

I brought back one of your favorites...


Friday, April 06, 2007

Remember when you just snorted pixie sticks?

Based on the last couple of posts, I feel free to post this story, which I find strangely hysterically funny. I don't know whether or not it's because I've started a new job that doesn't let me sleep, so I find bread to be funny, but the idea of Keith Richards snorting the ashes of his dead father seems so wrong and so appropriate.

So what do you think? Did he do it, or was he lying? Did he retract his statements because Disney (the makers of his future Pirates of the Caribbean 3) made him do it, or was he just high during the interview? And most importantly, does the idea of Keith Richards snorting the ashes of his dead father make him more or less cool?

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


What do this blog site and video have in common? Any guesses?

Monday, April 02, 2007

Boston's Tenth Man Could Not Be Wrong!

Spring has arrived!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Are We This Stupid?

The answer is yes.

Over the next few months, the price of milk at your local supermarket will begin a sharper climb upward. Why? Because some of the corn that traditionally has gone as feed for cows is now being diverted to ethanol production. As a result, dairy farmers have to pay more for their corn and they pass that along in higher milk costs.

Let me also remind you that we have farm subsidies in this country that encourage farmers not to grow specific products. So when a new market for corn opens up, farmers are ill-suited to expand supply. The result is the price for everything corn-related goes up, all while the government is giving farmers money to keep it that way. What an excellent idea!

This supply and demand issue, I should note, doesn't even touch on the further idiocy of our desperate search for another magical fuel to power our automobile culture for a little bit longer. The junkie needs just one more hit! We promise, this is the last one!