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Monday, February 12, 2007


Finally, cutting-edge provocateur Tony Bennett is accepted by the mainstream!


Blogger Pascals Bookie said...

Am I the only person who remembers Bennett being an MTV smash sensation in the mid-nineties with "Steppin' Out"?

They even did an Unplugged in New York thing for him.

12 February, 2007 11:57  
Blogger Joshua said...

... for which he alsowon a Grammy. The man could record an album of barking dogs and Grammy would give it to him. I don't get it.

12 February, 2007 16:41  
Blogger Pascals Bookie said...

Oh, okay. Written sarcasm is always kind of a shot in the dark, as shown above by my not catching it. So there you go.

Personally, I think "The Life Pursuit" by Bella & Sebastien was the best thing of the last year, but the Grammy's have ALWAYS been a crock. SO why do we care?

12 February, 2007 16:58  
Blogger Joshua said...

The hook from "The Blues are still Blue" is so good! And to think it's just about doing laundry!

As for why we care: we didn't really watch much of the Grammy ceremony at all. We turned it on at the end to see that the Dixie Chicks won for Best Predictable and Safe Liberal Statement about George Bush. I think that was the name of the award. But when I saw this morning that Tony Bennett won another Grammy, I had to put some sarcastic comment on the blog. You know it's a bunch of fogeys when Justin Timberlake is too edgy for them.

12 February, 2007 17:07  

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