Optimates Optimates

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Super Bowl XLI

Before we start, I'd like to be on the record as picking the Chicago Bears. That is all.

Update: What a sloppy game that was! And now we get to hear about Peyton Manning's divine qualities until the next Manning brother wins the Big One. Yippee.

While I've got you here, what did everyone think of the game? Of the ads? Any standouts on either count?


Blogger Melanie said...

It was a messy game, which was nice considering that I laughed harder at the fumbles and turnovers than at most of the commercials.

The singlemost important rule of thumb in Superbowl advertising: Do not make your audience cry. Unfortunately, that GM add with the poor robot who dropped the screw made me sad. When he jumped off the bridge, I almost lost it.

I did like the Bud ads with the dog splattered by mud and the crabs worshipping the cooler. Actually, the "Rock, Paper, Scissors" ad was pretty clever, too. I was impressed at the variety of Coke ads, particularly the Grand Theft Auto one. The Beard Comb-over for Sierra Mist also was high on my list.

On the more disturbing side, "Cleanup at the checkout" in the Doritos ad made me a bit queasy, as did the mechanics in the Snickers spot.

On the whole, I was less than impressed, but the chili we had at our party made the whole evening worthwhile.

On the scary

05 February, 2007 13:01  

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