Optimates Optimates

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Post 500: Beards

Yes, this post marks our 500 on the Optimates site. And I'm using it to promote something near and dear to my own, er, face: BEARDS. All you men who hate the vile razor, and ladies who love those men, embrace the wonder of the beard!


Blogger Pascals Bookie said...


Though I had to shear myself on Tuesday for my northwestern Interview.

22 February, 2007 17:38  
Blogger Kelly said...

Unfortunately, my anti-beard sentiment has been challenged by my boyfriend, who rocks the facial hair. And no, it doesn't scratch. Though food does get caught in it sometimes.

However, on a side note: Men, beards are fine. You know what's unattractive? Neck hair. Keep those razors! They do have their uses still!

23 February, 2007 13:10  
Blogger FrithOnTheHills said...

Beards = Sexy

Sure, at first I thought "Hey, this kinda like kissing my dad..." but after a few months (or in my case, a few men) you really start to enjoy it. And I don't mean that in a creepy way... No, not creepy... at all.

Beards rule! There's nothing like a good ole fashioned facial rugburn to make you feel the Lurve at the end of a long day. Plus you can keep things in it! Paperclips, lunch, a spare set of keys, anything goes! So ladies, next time you see an attractive bearded man, just take a moment to wonder what treasures may lie within his mysterious whiskers... You won't be disappointed. Well ok, you may be, but think of the fun you'll have finding out!

27 February, 2007 21:49  

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