Don't Date This Girl
I can't tell if this is a parody or real, but either way, it's sad:
I don't see how people who don't agree politically can date. This became clear last summer when Israel killed 16 children in Qana, the U.S. refused to call for a cease-fire, and the boyfriend acted as if these were war games where Israel had a right to defend itself. So every time Israel did something abominable I'd increasingly begin to hold him personally responsible.
It must have been difficult to date me. My apologies. But whatever. Politics take precedence over penis. (Know this, future ex-boyfriends of mine.)
Dating me, and all of the ideology that comes with the territory, was supposed to enlighten him, but I think it might have had the opposite effect. At times I thought he was coming around, but he'd go do stuff like hang the Israeli flag - and over his bed of all places.
Oh, and it gets better:
Still, until that day, I wave the Palestinian flag in solidarity. And will even let it fly over my bed. Know this, future ex-boyfriends of mine.
Okay, so she's militant, but I guess I don't see where you're picking out the crazy, much less thinking that this might be a parody. She's a UNC college activist who clearly isn't anti-semitic, but is pro-Palestinian. Not an entirely unreasonable position to have, and what with being still and college and all, of course she thinks such things are the biggest deal in the world. I mean, I wouldn't date her myself, because i already like my girlfriend quite a bit and this girl sounds like a bit of a pain in the ass, but I just don't see what the big deal is.
First off, I didn't say she was crazy. I said it was sad that someone would date or not date someone based on political beliefs, whatever they may be.
And more generally, I was bemused by the tone of the piece, as exemplified by such winning lines as "Dating me, and all of the ideology that comes with the territory, was supposed to enlighten him."
This is why I questioned whether this piece was actually serious. I mean, "Man, you really think you know your white Jewish boyfriend with tendencies for black supremacy"?!?
If it is serious (and I think it is), why does this sort of writing pass for thoughtful commentary on anything? Your ex-boyfriend dared to be a Jew. Got it. Why does that need to be 650 words?
I've seen college newspaper editorials on Why Going Clubbing Sucks, or on such interesting topics as why they hate the elevator at a certain building, so on the scale of ridiculous essays written by misguided English majors trying to be clever, yeah.... this seems about right.
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