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Friday, February 02, 2007

The Commons

I found an interesting new blog the other day - we're always looking for those, aren't we? - in the form of On The Commons. Its main focus is, you guessed it, preserving and enhancing the public aspect of our lives.

For an introductory post, I direct you to this one, about how reinvigorating the public sphere need not be a strictly 'liberal' or 'conservative' goal. Money quote:

For the past decade, it has been a truism in Washington, D.C., that Congress is so ideologically divided that little of any significance can be accomplished. Yet there are new and encouraging signs that the idea of the commons, at least in terms of its expression in the community wealth/asset building field, can win bipartisan political support and help build a new community stability coalition across the ideological spectrum.

The article also mentions public transit, so you know I'm hooked. Read it all.


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