Optimates Optimates

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Since the TV and the computer are not in the same room, I will not be liveblogging the SOTU. I will, however, post commentary afterward. Watch this space!

Update: That was really boring. It is no exaggeration to say that I fell asleep during parts of the speech. Comparing this speech to last year, I noticed that many portions were virtually identical. For example, are my notes below from last year or this year?
9:47 p.m. - Hypes Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Frivolous lawsuits are no good.

9:48 p.m. - "America is addicted to oil." Umm... keep talking...

9:50 p.m. - Coal, wind, solar, and, ahem, 'nukular.' Research will be increased in alternate sources. We'll be ready by 2025. No rush or anything.
That's right, you can't tell. Neither could I, and I watched the speech both years. And so the Bush Administration stumbles along to the anticlimax. Your thoughts, as always, are welcome. Did you see or hear something I didn't?


Blogger Kelly said...

If you haven't yet checked out the Slate piece on the stupidity of having the Baby Einstein founder there alongside other 'heroes,' like the subway savior, you totally should.

Let's get them kids addicted to television early! Because listening to Mozart when you're two months old automatically makes you smart! That's heroism!

26 January, 2007 22:36  

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