It is a privilege to fight!
....especially when it involves the battle against the UK for Geography Knowledge Supremacy!
It only takes a few minutes of your time. The challenge is correctly identifying 13 countries in the span of 2 minutes.
Give it your best at The Geography Cup. Good luck! America! **** Yeah!
Remember when on Where in the world is Carmen Santiago Carmen would go to Africa and you'd just sit back, grab another handful of crackers, laugh, and say, "Well this kid's fucked..."
It happens to the best of us...
Damn you former Soviet republics! 69%! Who the hell can pick out Azerbaijan on a map?
The damn site won't let me register. It probably senses my Geography Kung-fu is too formidable (Winner of the 4th grade geography bee at PS13). Alas, it would have been good to test my skillz once in a while.
I suspect we've found the reason America is losing this challenge! I too was a geography bee winner (6th grade, CES!), and I too was prevented from registering. Hmmm...
I don't know, I was a geography bee winner in 6th grade as well (and went to the state finals, oh yeah I was a geek...) and I was able to register. And then, of course, I was bested by Malawi. Grr...
The site wouldn't let me register with my Gmail account. Perhaps the People's Republic of Vermont is not suitably American...
Kelly, did you register with a Gmail account?
For what it's worth, I was also an elementary school geography bee champ. Go Keheley Comets!
Turns out I'm retarded, though my questions were half about idland republics, so maybe I should just try again.
Wow, yeah, that's EXACTLY the problem I was having. Well, guess I'll go back and try again/lower the U.S. average score some more.
What email addresses are you people using to get in? Everytime I try, it tells me that I live in the wrong country to play!
Well clearly Vermont is a country unto itself, and the US team doesn't want anything to do with them.
Actually, most Vermonters would agree with that.
More importantly (and pertaining more to maps), there's a great website out there for those of you who love maps, war, and politics:
Maps of War!
It's as fun as it sounds.
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