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Friday, October 27, 2006

North Korea

Okay, I'll put it to the group: is this guy right? Has Kim Jong-Il won again? And what do we do about it?


Blogger Irina Tsukerman said...

I don't necessarily agree. Sure, right now it seems like EU & Co. are backing away from any serious actions. My gut feeling is, however, that when push comes to shove, they won't sit around waiting to get bombed. I think in just about any military/diplomatic crisis there's a threshold of tolerance. Some countries have higher tolerance for bullying than others, but inevitably, as long as a country has at least a semblance of sovereignty and political stability (and most European countries have substantially more than that), it , too, will tolerate only so much defiance before pushing back. The question is whether the action will be in time or too late.

31 October, 2006 00:01  
Blogger Chris said...

Looks like they've agreed to come back to the table. We'll have to wait for details, but to me it seems like they are simply going to use their (partially) successful test explosion the same way they used the threat of such a test before, viz. as a way of getting goodies from various countries in return for vague promises to play nice.

31 October, 2006 11:22  
Blogger Irina Tsukerman said...

It also sounds like they are stalling for time, just like Iran. Always an effective strategy.

31 October, 2006 17:37  

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