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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Shi'er me timbers!

Arrr, for those o' you who be unawares, September 19 be International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

If you be a little rusty on your Pirate, please watch this instructional video. Gar.

Do share with all o' your friends, savvy?


Blogger Kelly said...

If anyone would like to know more about the Baur family, who founded Talk Like a Pirate Day, and were featured last night on Wife Swap, please let me know. For one thing: their house has fleas. And now so do several crew members.

19 September, 2006 15:27  
Blogger AsianSmiths said...

Was it just me, or was the neat-freak daughter super bitchy? I mean, did you guys edit it to enhance the facet of her personality where she's a miniature and snottier version of her mother, or was she really just like that? The only time when I didn't want to make her walk the plank was when she said something nice about Slappy the pirate, but then almost immediately she revealed that all of her apparent niceness after Slappy dropped by was due to an attempt to humor the pirate mom and "suck up" to her. That kinda made me want to strand her on a spit of beach with nothing but a single-shot pistol.

19 September, 2006 17:09  
Blogger Kelly said...

I'm not entirely sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if she was a little brat. Keep in mind, she's being raised by thiswoman.

And yes, she is a grown women with children.

19 September, 2006 17:34  
Blogger Joshua said...

Boudicca, I like the cut o' yer gib!

19 September, 2006 22:26  
Blogger AsianSmiths said...

To be honest, Kelly, the neat freak mother didn't seem so bad on the show. I mean, she was obsessive compulsively neat, and the fact that she made her kid put his legos back in bins separated by block size and color was pretty unbalanced, but I sympathized with her desire to not live in a flea infested home. But her daughter was just...so...bitchy.

Anyway, I'm officially addicted to your show. I sat down this past Sunday after some studying and stumbled onto a Wife Swap marathon on ABC-FM and thought it would be some mindless fun. Little did I know...

19 September, 2006 23:15  
Blogger Kelly said...

Bwah ha ha! Chalk one more up for the Evil Empire that is Disney, Inc!

We didn't really like the OCD mom because she was, well, kinda dumb. Good at organizing, but not so bright overall. Also, her twist guest was a soft core porn actress, which led to a lot of google searches in the office once we found that out.

20 September, 2006 11:00  
Blogger AsianSmiths said...

So her sister was a porn star? Sweet. I guess that's why the pirate dad liked her sister better than her.

On hindsight, OCD Mom didn't get to say a lot of things on the show, did she? That was probably due to her lack of wattage. Anyway, her myspace sight is freaking hideous. Label her "COLORBLIND" and "BANDWIDTH HOG" and put her in the punishment box, ya'hoy!

20 September, 2006 13:51  

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