Okay, so we were drunk, which is important...
As I was inspired by a comment thread on the Alien Loves Predator forums (one of my favorite webcomics, along with xkcd, toothpaste for dinner, Spamusement, and Dinosaur Comics) I must ask, what are the best of all pranks you have pulled on friends/roommates/enemies/professors/R.A.'s/anyone else who deserves it?
I'll start off the comments with one of mine, but I expect to be topped pretty quickly.
I'll start off the comments with one of mine, but I expect to be topped pretty quickly.
Okay, so at the end of one of my more racous parties (excluding the one this past weekend, which, of course, Socratic, Cato, Prometheus and FrithOnTheHills weren't invited to. Ask Kantian or Kelly for details) our roommate Conor was passed out beyond the possibility of waking.
My roommate justin and I were cleaning the next morning, and came across an empty bottle of Jack Daniels and a half-full tub of Domino's Ranch Dipping Sauce. We put the bottle and ranch dressing in bed next to him, and added a condom wrapper in between the sheets for good measure. Then we didn't say anything...
For three months.
When I finally did mention it, because I thought that the prank hadn't gone over at all, I found out that this "evidence" had been haunting Conor ever since the party, since he had no reccolection of whatever event might have caused it. He was too embarassed to ask us for fear of what we might say.
I should also add the best that was even played on me (and my family.) At least, as far as I know... (hides under bed)
When I was nine, my family went on a fantastic European tour through France, Germany and Austria. There are many awesome stories from this trip, such as us getting into Paris for the first night, running through the rain to find a restaurant, sitting down, ordering, and then realizing that my mother didn't make it as far as the rest of us. My dad ran off to find her standing on a street corner dripping wet and crying. Well, it's funny now, at least.
Anyway, when we got to St. Wolfgang (one of the most charming cities in the old continent) and checked into our hotel, the front desk clerks were elated to find out that we were American. "Do you like Parades?" they asked. "Well, of course," we replied, anxious to get the full Austrian experience and feeling fortunate that we had arrived at such a foruitous time.
"Oh! Well there's a parade that runs right along the street outside at noon tomorrow, if you are interested." And so we scheduled our day around it.
We woke up at 8:30, so that everyone could get showered and dressed and have breakfast before taking our spot on the street at 10:00. (we wanted to make sure we had good spots.) Sure enough, within the next two hours the street filled up, and we awaited our Austrian parade.
And waited.
As we waited, we started to talk to others around us, hoping to find out a little more about the parade, and whether it was always a little late, and what was the occasion, and all that.
Everyone we met was American. Not only that, but they were staying at any number of different inns and hotels in town.
Needless to say, the parade never came, but I have to give the people of St. Wolfgang credit for their Chutzpah, sending all of their U.S. clientelle on a giant snipe hunt, and my family the credit for taking it in good humor.
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