Optimates Optimates

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Optimates Summer Soundtrack!

Memorial Day Weekend is now upon us, heralding for all intents and purposes, the beginning of the summer. What better way to enjoy warm weather and the inevitabilities of hurricane and wedding season than by celebrating musical excess! What artist, album, song, or genre will be your summer soundtrack? What will you listen to with the windows rolled down as you drive to work to get you pumped up and excited about life? (Mass transit version: What will you groove to on your Ipod while commuting?)

A few ground rules:

  1. There will be no mocking of another commenter's selections. Sure, you might laugh over your current summer soundtrack years later for its cheesiness, but part of the pleasure of a summer soundtrack is the relative fluffiness and the way it helps you to "dance your cares away , worries for another day."
  2. There will be no extrapolation to personal belief systems from someone's song choice, a la recent analyses of the Ipod playlists of George Bush, Condi Rice, and Hillary Clinton. For example, just because I spent the summer of 1998 listening to Aqua's Barbie Girl does not mean I firmly believe in the degradation of women.
  3. Please provide links to music samples if possible so that others can share in the fun!


Blogger Melanie said...

I'll start things off with my guilty pleasure for 2006. He's Swedish. He rocks both a mullet AND just a mustache. He tells me "it's a no-no, but [I'll] like it." The man: Günther. The album: Pleasureman.

His music definies summer music; each track is upbeat, danceable, and has ridiculous lyrics. Some samples:

It's a hot night/ I come from playa/ I'm feeling good and I want to partaya.

You have a sunburn/ Like schokolada/ It's you, me, and pina colada

When you go to his website, be sure to watch all of the videos. In "Tuttifrutti Summerlove," there is a special surprise after the closeup of the girl holding the watermelon.

27 May, 2006 18:28  
Blogger Joshua said...

How glad I am to see the pink font on the blog once again!

Here are my current picks (videos/audio files included where available) :

Michael Buble, "Save The Last Dance For Me"

Gnarls Barkley, "Crazy"

Yeah Yeah Yeahs, "Gold Lion"

Shakira, "Hips Don't Lie"

And I feel kind of stupid about this one, but it's always in my head...

Dunkin Donuts Commercial, "Doing Things Is What I Like to Do"

28 May, 2006 11:11  
Blogger Joshua said...

If the rest of you haven't checked out Günther yet, I urge you to do so. My personal favorite? "Touch Me," featuring Samantha Fox. Bonus points for incorporating the 80s!

28 May, 2006 22:04  
Blogger Joshua said...


"Happy Kid" and "Inside of Love" by Nada Surf dominate, do they not?

"Change Your Mind" is also excellent... but do you not love "All These Things That I Have Done"? The video alone recommends it!

29 May, 2006 21:03  
Blogger Defalco said...

I kinda like that all-american rejects song move along. The Gnarls Barkley is good too.

29 May, 2006 23:40  
Blogger Joshua said...

Before I forget, let me promote the fact that WFNX out of Boston has gone commercial-free until July 4th. A radio station with no commercials!

01 June, 2006 07:45  
Blogger Pascals Bookie said...

HaHA! I mock you all! But not really.

I too am stuck in a semi-time-warp, as such, the Bookie's top 5 for SUmmer '06:

5. Postal Service - Brand New Colony
3. New Pornographers - Chump Change
2. JUDY AND MARY - Brand New Wave Upper Ground

and the big #1
Belle & Sebastian - Sukie in the Graveyard

And Special Props to Normandy. If I had any CD's of them, "Her Eyes Don't Water" and "Sweatshop Dance Party" would be on constant rotation, not to mention that Nanucha song "about Israel," whatever it's called.

02 June, 2006 01:13  
Blogger Chris said...

The summer lineup is still being developed, but so far the "new material" section comprises the entire Nanuchka album (the song "about israel" is called Mediterranian and is not on their album, sadly, but I will demand of Yula that she put it on their next disc)
Until more new stuff is brought into the fold I am relying on summer favorites from previous years including:
Pixies - All of Surfer Rosa and Dolittle (Debaser especially)
Pavement - Slanted & Enchanted and Crooked Rain x2
Weezer (blue)
Reel Big Fish - Turn the Radio Off

In addition, some of this year's spring albums are leaking into the summer inlucding:

New Pornographers (Electric Version if I have to pick a disc)
Belle & Sebastian - The Life Pursuit
Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I am, That's what I'm not

08 June, 2006 09:37  
Blogger Joshua said...

What does everyone think about K.T. Tunstall? Some of the local alt-rock stations have started playing her stuff, and I think it's pretty good.

08 June, 2006 12:41  
Blogger Melanie said...

Re: K.T. Tunstall

I had "Black Horse and The Cherry Tree" stuck in my head from when I heard it in Montpelier this afternoon until I got to Conway, and after reading Tacitean's comment, it's back there. I like what I hear so far!

08 June, 2006 22:21  
Blogger Pascals Bookie said...

I take the tacit understanding that the "no mocking" rule doesn't apply to Chris, as it doesn't apply to him in any other forum.

As such, I mock you.

Mass Romantic.
Terror Twilight.

Consider yourself mocked. But not really.

Also, Vin tells me that Nanuchka are having another CD release, like, the day after his this summer, so maybe Adriatic or whatever that song about Israel is called will be on that.


09 June, 2006 01:48  
Blogger Chris said...

What have you done!? You've revealed my super-secret-blog-identity! How will I evade the souless minions of orthodoxy now!? Fool! You have just doomed this world!

By which I mean, summer music is about enjoying your WAKING life, not being put to sleep by prety, but catatonic music such as is found on earlier Belle & Sebastian albums.

Bookie: ha HA! You.. ah... sure GOT me... The secret is now out, I like those albums too! Is there no end to the number of classified data about me you will publicly reveal. (but again, this is about SUMMER music, and even if I like some of those albums more than the one's I mentioned, they are not summer specific)

I should also mention that the eponymous debut albums of both The Specials and The Clash are on the Team for summer 06'.

09 June, 2006 16:22  
Blogger Joshua said...

Another nominee:

Christina Aguilera, "Ain't No Other Man"

Boudicca and Tacitean approved!

10 June, 2006 22:17  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

21 July, 2006 20:00  

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