Optimates Optimates

Friday, May 19, 2006

Keep 'em crossed!

Yesterday my brother received the official letter which set his kidney transplant date for June 6 (D-Day in more than one way, I suppose), barring any complications or bumps in the road. He'll be getting the new kidney from my mother! Since many of you on this blog are fans (or closet fans, admit it) of the Boy, I figured you would appreciate the news. The real question for me is whether he will still be surly when he has the energy to be pleasant...


Blogger Defalco said...

On 6/6/06! This could possibly make me the antichrist as I am being reborn that day. I must say I am great excited. Not only do I get to eat cheese again, but I get all my powers back and I can inflict myself upon all you wretched souls.
I've been working on my material. I'm leaning towards the 'Who gave god the right to rule over me? Oh, God did? Well does that work out well' route. I bet it will make a lot of sense to the rational people, but the die hard bible thumpers will close their ears and fight me and my dark minons. I can't wait.
I'm also considering getting a dragon head tattoo on my chest so I can get that mark of the beast thing taken care of.
These are exciting times!

...and are any of you boy fans really that surprised?

25 May, 2006 22:33  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!

21 July, 2006 20:00  

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