Optimates Optimates

Thursday, March 23, 2006

My bearded brethren!

Behold the fashionable return of the beard (Via Sullivan)! Few are happier than me. Bearded Optimates, let me hear from you!


Blogger Joshua said...

To my fellow bearded brothers of all sexual orientations: are you a cub or a bear?

23 March, 2006 20:22  
Blogger Pascals Bookie said...

They didn't say anything about the ever-present stubble look! Where's the love for the 5-o-clock shadow?

23 March, 2006 20:23  
Blogger Kelly said...

This is a sad day for the women who enjoy a little neckin' without thier faces getting red and irritated... men, for the good of your woman, and your sex life, ask what her preference is, and listen to it!

23 March, 2006 22:15  
Blogger Joshua said...

I know it was said in jest (at least I think it was), but I bristle - pun intended - at the idea that I shouldn't be allowed control of my own face!
But it seems I am outnumbered on this thread. If only there were some other bearded warrior from the north (*cough* Gaufridus *cough*) to help me defend our bearish ways...

24 March, 2006 09:46  
Blogger Kelly said...

Tacitean, of course you have the right to control your facial follicles.... I'm just saying there's nothing fun about waking up with your face all red and irritated due to your man being all Paul Bunyan-like. Then again, some hair is bristley-er than others. I have no doubt that your beard is as soft as a down pillow, but only the future Mrs. Tacitean knows for sure. I'm curious on her beard opinions, actually.

24 March, 2006 10:26  
Blogger Joshua said...


Yes, I did misinterpret what you said... I thought you were calling for a "Lackbeard" takeover, not the reverse. My mistake! Join the brotherood!


I cannot speak for the future Mrs. Tacitean, but I certainly hope she prefers Tacitean-Bear! I don't know if she'll be up to commenting today, though. Wish her the best on this thread!

24 March, 2006 10:40  
Blogger Pascals Bookie said...

Maybe my favorite "Arrested Development" exchange ever: Tobias pleaing to direct the school play.

Principal: That okay with you, Ed?

Gym Teacher: Yeah, let the little fruit do it.

Tobias: Huzzah!

25 March, 2006 23:25  
Blogger Melanie said...

I am back from the land of the dead!

For the record, I love facial hair. Granted, I didn't come around to this until I saw it done correctly on a real man. Those "boys" in high school and college with their wispy "soul patches" and variations on the "goatee" do nothing for me.

Granted, a beard must be done right. As Mr. Sullivan mentions, there is a 3 week (or so) window where you do NOT want a fresh beard coming anywhere near any sensitive area (face, neck, etc...). It's itchy. It's scratchy. It's, well, hair growing out. Ladies, we see the same exact phenomenon anytime we get lazy with the shaving.

However, once that time has passed, there is nothing better than a full beard kissing you all over. By then, the hair is softer and loses all scratchy properties.

I disagree that it should be the lady who dictates the facial hair stylings of her man. It's a matter of personal appearance, and I'm sure those same women would be aghast if the men in their lives requested they only wear certain clothes or maintained a particular weight. Let your man feel secure in his appearance. Not everyone is proud of his upper lip. Don't make him choose between you and his dignity!

In short, if done correctly, beards are overwhelmingly sexy. (You do want to make sure he trims it and shaves his neck ever so often, though...)

26 March, 2006 18:02  
Blogger Joshua said...

It's true. I am not proud of my upper lip. But I have my bearded dignity!

26 March, 2006 18:07  
Blogger Chris said...

I am a notorious lack-beard myself, although this is out of respect for beard, and not in denial of its merits. Emperical testing has revealed that my face is not particularly well suited to growing, or (once grown, however shoddily) wearing a beard. Thus I choose not to bismirch the honor of true beards by growing one that sucks.
However, I would like to voice my support for beards in politics, business, and really any corridor of power. Where are the days of bearded presidents? Can you imagine how much better a state of the union address would be with the power of Beard? Well, not on Bush, but on a competent president it would be fantastic! It is not for everyone, and I'm happy in my clean shaven existence (it has its own advantages), but our bearded brethren should be welcome to let their beards ring true. I have no idea what it means for a beard to "ring true". But you get my drift.

28 March, 2006 11:14  
Blogger gcolbath said...

I, myself have been known to sport a beard from time-to-time—usually in the winter time. I have, actually, become a recent convert to the stubble look. I like it, and the future Mrs. Gaufridus likes it. It works, of course, because I have lost some weight.

Facial hair means many things to many people. Some like different looks, others use it to hide or mask features that they are not proud of.

There's a delacate balance to be struck, in regards to facial hair. Some women do not like beards. Some do. Some men do not like beards. Some do. It's not an easy argument... which is funny, considering the weight of some of the issues that we Optimates wrestle with on here.

Relationships further compund the issue, and the best solution is usually to reach some sort of comprimise. If it weren't for the suggestions for my fiancee, I would never have realized the potential of my new look.

Yay for collaboration!

30 March, 2006 11:29  
Blogger Kelly said...

Beards tend to make people look older, which is fine in some circumstances, but not if you're trying to look fit and vibrant and run a country in the age of television...

30 March, 2006 17:39  

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