Wonders of the Interweb: Hey kids! I just thought I would direct your attention to fellow Optimate Pascal's Bookie's new blog C.H.U.D. Roundtable.
What you will find there:
1) A daily trio of oddly stimulating, offbeat questions, tied together with something that might, in countries with a little less fondness for "rule of law", be called a theme. Quick! Head over there and rain all over his sarcasm by answering his questions earnestly and thoughtfully. He'll never see it coming! Unless he reads Optimates regularly. Which he does... Damn.
2) A daily incitement to cannibalism against whichever public figure is deemed most worthy. Recent dishes include Scott Stapp, Rick Santorum, and Johnny "Judas" Damon.
Is it a fun read? Absolutely. Did I ask his permission before advertising his blog in an ambiguously positive light? Absolutely not. Good day.
I find myself in agreement with this so-called "Socratic" - C.H.U.D. Roundtable truly is a marvel of the modern age...
...a thing to behold, it is...
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