Optimates Optimates

Thursday, January 05, 2006

To cool to be real: Remember the time in Star Trek when the Federation built the Excelsior to test out transwarp engines? Well, the U.S. Government has the same idea.


Blogger Chris said...

If only scientific progress worked the way it does on Star Trek, where you always solve the problem by the end of the episode with zero testing, zero prototyping, and few negative side effects. Sounds like the proposed propulsion is based on controversial physics. But then again, the sci fi dork in me (which pretty much comprises all of me) not-so-secretly always wants this sort of thing to be true. After all, we need to get our butts off of this ball of dirt before we nuke ourselves out of existence. If we never get out there, how can we mercilessly dominate other sentient forms of life we encounter?

Human Pride: Got Thumbs?

06 January, 2006 11:37  

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