The Optimate Challenge: I've noticed our comments threads have been getting longer and better, as have our posts. I like it!
But I am not one to keep a good thing to myself. I think it's high time we raised the bar and increased our readership. I think if we can each get one more person interested in reading us, and they can each get one person... you get the idea. Thoughts?
But I am not one to keep a good thing to myself. I think it's high time we raised the bar and increased our readership. I think if we can each get one more person interested in reading us, and they can each get one person... you get the idea. Thoughts?
For example, I've noticed that Kate's site has like 11,000 hits already. I want that!
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Hello Tacitean, I’m just searching the web for the next big thing on immune booster and noticed your great site. Although this post wasn’t actually what I was looking for it DID get my attention and interest. I see now why I found your great
website when I was searching for immune booster related information and I’m thankful I found your blogsite even though its not an exact match. Excellent Post, thanks for the read (It’s a keeper).
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