Optimates Optimates

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Brokeback Mountain: We were able to get to the 9:30 show.
Simply put, this is one of the most powerful movies I have ever seen. I should also add it's one of most heartbreaking. I don't know if I can honestly do this movie proper justice. So I won't try. See it yourselves. Seriously. Wow.
Update: I feel this movie warrants a bit more from me. First of all, get it out of your head that this is the "gay cowboy movie." This is a timeless love story of surpassing beauty and heartache. What's so interesting about it, actually, is how masculine the movie is - that is, how accurately it depicts the men in this relationship. The repression only adds to the tension.
In particular, Heath Ledger as the male lead, Ennis Del Mar, delivers an incredible performance. His character doesn't say a whole lot, so he has to act through facial expressions and body language. At times, Ennis's emotions can stay bottled up for whole scenes (and years) at a time, only later exploding in sudden bursts.
I won't ruin the ending for those who haven't seen it, but it's very moving. My highest recommendation and please, an Oscar for Ledger.


Blogger Joshua said...

Seriously, no one has any comments about this movie?

26 January, 2006 08:55  
Blogger Chris said...

I don't have much to add to what you said by way of accolades. The movie was fantastic, and fantastically acted. What interests me is the idea that some people seem to have that this movie is somehow pushing "the gay agenda". Now discounting the people who haven't even watched the movie and who simply reject anything even remotely related to homosexuality, I have to wonder how anyone could see the movie as painting an alluring picture of the "gay lifestyle" (which is a confusing term to begin with). The movie is a tradgedy. If people who are against homosexuality (which they see as a chosen or learned behavior and not an natural one) then this movie is a great way to scare people off "choosing" to be gay. As I recall, neither of the two main characters come out of it very happy.

26 January, 2006 09:22  
Blogger Joshua said...

I just listened to the soundtrack on MP3.com, and the final track nearly got me all choked up again!

01 February, 2006 21:13  

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